Be careful who you listen to and what they are saying. It may not be coming from their own personal developed mind but it may be the works of another individual.
Unfortunately there are more and more people using and presenting other people’s works, as their own, without the respect to at least give credit to the author and original creator of the works. This is incorrect.
This is a dense frequency and form of self-elevation born out of delusion and infantile insecurity through the need for attention within a mind that is detached from the light of their own soul.
If someone is saying something and posting it, check to find out if they are the one who has experienced what they are saying or if they are presenting someone else’s wisdom to make themselves look good in front of you and the general public. They may present and try to convince you that they are the ones who have the wisdom and knowledge but, in fact, they are very often quoting other beautiful minds and their works but without having the honesty to tell you that information.
First-hand experience creates pure knowledge, second hand knowledge does not.
Only in the purity of a wavelength of light, can the vibration of that light, resonate a frequency of pure truth.