Unquestionably, the light is present within all Souls. The consciousness is light, it is clarity of the light that offers thought; Consciousness itself.
Ignorance is only and merely the condition of blankets covering the light of the soul, one’s consciousness. With the removal of these blankets, the consciousness is no longer in an ignorant state. At this point, the consciousness is awake and the light shines brightly therefore offering intelligence to a greater degree. It is the removal of the blankets around the consciousness which are now beginning to take place.
Clear light of the consciousness reflects a new world for the individual mind and consciousness that occurs within. With clear light one sees the internal world and the external world in a completely different way than when there was no clear light to the individual’s consciousness.
Again, it is the light which shines and illuminates the mind and consciousness to the level, or frequency of thought, that one is indeed a multi-dimensional being and not merely a human being without any other connection to the dimensions beyond those which are all too familiar. A multi-dimensional concept emanates through the conscious mind that is awake to the point of recognizing that this lifetime is but a small journey in the vast evolution of each soul.
When we look at the bigger picture we can see that life and existence is infinite, that part of our being or consciousness has agreed or wished to be here in this world for whatever specific, personal and interpersonal reason that may be for. Everything is independently related and therefore the people we meet, the experiences we have and the location(s) we may visit are all inter-related in some way and for a very specific spiritual purpose. Always for the greater good of the whole.
Not only is this unquestionable, it is instinctive, intuitive and inspired by the pure consciousness within each and all souls.
When we look at our lives, there is a pattern, a pattern which has a system of calculation, extraordinarily which could not be imagined or mapped out by a human mind. Only an elevated mind and clear consciousness could indeed invoke the idea or concept that would be walked on this Earth-plane or existence.
“Where are we going?”, “What are we to do with this life?”. These questions and many, many more, even incalculable questions arise. Yet, when a conscious mind through clarity of light exists in harmony and with emptiness, then and only then are there no more questions. Only then does there exist a ‘knowing’ in a nano-second; an acute and precise moment.
The balance of existence never appears, because in every given moment change occurs and this change, in turn puts everything out of balance.