A Message To The Spiritual Space Regarding Channelling and Trance.
The Souls upon the Spirit Planes and Inter-dimensional Beings are now converging together. A new alignment and attunement with lighter wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations of multi-dimensional energies is here.
Most of Humanity is now aware that it is in the midst of great change and that, this change will continue to become more apparent as events, this year, unfold and continue their shift to move human consciousness to a place of Light.
This Spiritual, Inter-Galactic, Multi-Dimensional and Ethereal event between countless beings, all working in harmony and unity with the Souls upon the Spirit Planes, are coming together and are currently in the process of making a concerted effort to inspire souls upon the earth plane, helping and assisting humanity and the evolution of the species upon this plane of existence.
We can expect to sense and be aware of many new encounters on many levels of being, as a direct result of this harmonious convergence.
One in particular is beginning to stand out and reveal itself, and it will continue to accelerate in 2025.
New wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations of multi-dimensional and multi-faceted energies are going to take place within Spiritualism.
Alongside Discarnate Souls from the Spirit Planes, Beings of Light are projecting their light and awareness into Open Circles, Services and Mediumship Demonstrations, including into, the major spiritual organisations around the world, making their presence very clearly known. This will continue and result in Light Beings gradually revealing themselves, through different channels in the spiritual space.
The spiritual circles, groups and gatherings around the world, which up until now, were exclusive to the giving of spiritual messages such as, psychic and spiritual communication with the spirit planes, are entering a period of transition. They will begin to witness this change.
They will experience these new frequencies of awareness coming into them and it would be wise for the circle teachers and leaders of those spaces to prepare for and accept this transition.
This new way of being, is no longer limited to merely attuning and giving messages from the spirit world, but now also includes the transmitting of messages through ‘Channelling’ and ‘Trance’, through the attunement of the many different vibrations of the ‘Higher Self’ and ‘Altered States of Consciousness’.
More ‘Emerging Channels’ will appear and materialise as the year progresses.
This means that there will be many more ‘Channels’ and ‘Trance Communicators’ entering into the spiritual space and, they will be utilised by Beings of Light from all dimensions and planes of existence, with the express wish to transmit and convey higher frequency messages that will appear to be ‘Beyond Mediumship’.
Rather than fear this new way, which is ethereal in its nature, it would be wise to open the door to these ‘Emerging Channels’ and embrace this beautiful cosmic change. Teach them to know and recognise the many different levels and vibrations of Light that are associated with the higher self, and to channelling and trance, and the difference between them all.
Do not, block them, ignore them, hold them back or dismiss them.
Encourage and support these beautiful channels on their journey of light, as they communicate with other dimensions and other worlds, and bring those wonderful enlightening, informative and loving transmissions through for all.
The collective Spiritual Souls and Celestial Beings of Light, wish to reflect and convey their guidance, wisdom, understanding, truth and their perception of the nature of reality, so that this new knowledge may be of assistance to every soul during this current spiritual and ethereal trajectory, and the conscious ascension of all souls, in to the light.
Now Is The Time of Convergence.