Although there are many vibrations associated to Trance, they can be placed within 3 main states, for example:
SHALLOW TRANCE This is when a discarnate soul draws or steps close to a medium without entering fully into their auric space. The medium remains in control over their own awareness and consciousness but is in the training part of trance and is attempting to move their mind out of the way. The medium is allowing the discarnate soul to use and manipulate a part of the mediums consciousness as a means of communicating spiritual teachings.
At this stage of trance, a mixing of awareness occurs between the discarnate soul and the medium. And, the words spoken are primarily of the mediums own thoughts and their own spiritual knowledge but will also contain some of the discarnate souls thoughts and spiritual knowledge.
This is when a discarnate soul is allowed by a medium, to enter into a part of the mediums awareness, auric field and physical body, to such an extent that the mediums mind is moved to one side while the trance proceeding takes place. The medium in this instance, may have a sense that their awareness is very distant from what is happening and yet their awareness is still present and conscious of what is taking place, including what is being spoken by the discarnate soul. The medium may, whilst in this state, experience moments of loss of awareness, being conscious of what is happening one moment, and then, not being conscious or aware of anything in the next moment. Their mind is drifting in and out of the trance proceedings.
Here, the medium is an observer of the proceedings but sometimes their thoughts may interject with the thoughts of the discarnate soul.
At this stage of trance, a mixing of awareness occurs between the discarnate soul and the medium. And, the words spoken can primarily be of the discarnate souls awareness and spiritual knowledge but may still contain some of the mediums own thoughts and their spiritual knowledge.
The medium in this instance, is at a point in their training were they are getting closer to deep trance.
DEEP TRANCE This is when a mediums body, and a part of their awareness, is taken over by a discarnate soul, to such an extent, that the mediums conscious mind is removed or taken out of the way and placed somewhere (often in a beautiful place) to prevent it from interfering with the trance proceedings. The medium at this stage of trance is not aware of what is occurring during the trance proceeding. They are no longer consciously aware of this physical world nor are they consciously aware of anything being spoken whilst the trance is taking place.
At this stage of trance, there is no mixing of thoughts between the discarnate soul and the medium. The discarnate soul is in and the medium is out. The discarnate soul has sufficient control over the medium and their voice box and any communication is solely coming from the discarnate soul and their awareness.
Upon returning back to their normal physical state, the medium will not know or be able to recall anything about any communication which had taken place during the proceedings.